How to maintain potency: advice from a urologist

urogenital system and male potency

Is it possible to maintain a full sexual life until old age? What affects the potential? How to eat, what sports to do to remain a man in the full sense? In what situations do you need a doctor's help? In this article, doctors will answer questions that concern all men and give specific advice from urologists to maintain men’s health.

Myths and truths about male potential

Potential topics have acquired so many myths that it doesn’t require a single article, but an entire book to dispel them. But I will still mention a few to end it once and for all.

Young storm - old age without sex

If at a young age he is actively involved in sex, for example, every day and even several times, then at the age of 40-50 years the limit of sexual possibilities will be exhausted - is this true?

Physiologically, this statement is completely unfounded. Nature ensures that a man’s reproductive function functions until his death. Unlike females, where the number of eggs is limited (conditional), semen production continues as long as the male is alive.

The number and frequency of sexual intercourse in youth did not affect male solvency in old age. Another issue is unprotected random contact and its consequences. Complications of venereal disease, especially those left untreated or usually left to chance, are bound to backfire, and it’s just a matter of time.

prostatitis = impotence

This myth is created by marketers to increase drug sales. Physiologically, there is no direct link between inflammation of the prostate gland and the ability to have sex. Other systems are responsible for erections. I will say more, the lack of sexual intercourse exacerbates the situation. This leads to a process of stagnation in the pelvis and the development of the corresponding disease. Stones can form in the prostate gland, bacterial prostatitis develops in parallel with abacterial prostatitis, etc.

But prostatitis really worsens the quality of sexual life. The reason is that an inflamed and enlarged prostate can reduce the intensity of orgasmic sensations and affect the duration of contact. With reduced prostatitis, ejaculation may occur more quickly. As a result, the man:

  • Unable to control ejaculation as before
  • Not experiencing a clear sensation, the orgasm is extinguished

And here the soul is already connected: "I can not satisfy my partner, I do not feel pleasure from sex. I am humble. " With such an attitude to "go to battle" and, moreover, to win, of course, difficult.

Sexual intercourse is disrupted - you will be impotent

This also includes sexual stimulation without subsequent release. Some men use this myth to manipulate their partner into having sex every time they are aroused.

Excessive ejaculation (ejaculation) is certainly not very good for men's health, but it is not as critical as many think. Sexual disorders, when a man is maximally aroused and ready for ejaculation, can cause prostatitis as a result of the congestive process. And then if you bother them regularly. Two or three episodes a month is unlikely to affect his health in any way.

Men's Health - Urology

Of the large number of potential influencing factors, urological diseases are among the "leaders". Especially in men older than middle age. The main potential enemies in this case are prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

Urological problems in men associated with prostate adenoma usually appear after 40-45 years. Patients are referred to a male doctor when the bladder is weak or when the man is unable to urinate.

The enlarged prostate presses on the urethral canal and interferes with the full outflow of urine. Frequent urges, discomfort from the feeling that the bladder has not been completely emptied - all of this is neither emotionally nor physically conducive to an active sex life. Next - worse. Problems with urination are reflected in the work of the kidneys, and in this state there is no time for worldly pleasures.

Unlike prostate adenoma, prostatitis is a disease not only in this age category. They can also affect young men. Usually prostatitis is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle and free association. in particular, sexually transmitted infections. This situation is very difficult for them.

Most of the infections that lead to prostatitis are chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc. - does not give acute symptoms for a long time. The disease almost immediately progresses to a chronic stage. But there are times when the disease is felt with pain, atypical discharge, urinary problems due to inflammation of the prostate. A man cannot think about sex in this situation.

There is no direct physiological link between prostate disease and erectile dysfunction, as you already know. But this does not mean that the problem should not be solved, as a result, they prevent a man from leading a normal sex life. Prostate adenomas or prostatitis do not go away on their own, like a runny nose. It is impossible to restore men’s sexual health without the help of a doctor if they are available.

Because symptoms in urology often appear when the disease has become chronic. Detecting it at an early stage, when you can survive with a simple conservative treatment, is only possible with regular preventive consultation with a urologist and passing a urological test.

Problems with erectile function - who to contact

Let’s talk now about what affects the potential in addition to urological diseases, and which doctors to contact to restore men’s health.

Although there are many causes of sexual impotence, they are all divided into three types:

  1. organic. These include physiological factors such as illness and injury.
  2. Psychogenic. In this case, the physiology is in order, and impotence is caused by psychological problems - stress, depression, situations that cause psychic trauma.
  3. mixed. When both physiology and psyche are to blame for problems with potential.

Among the organic causes of problems with potency, the main one is cardiovascular disease. Affected by cholesterol plaques or other pathological changes, the ducts prevent the body of the penis cave from rapidly filling with blood. As a result, erections come slowly. If the cavernous body is not filled with a sufficient amount of blood, the erection is too moist for full sexual intercourse. In severe cases, it is not present at all.

Another common cause is hormonal imbalance. Hormones control most processes in the body, including sexual stimulation and erections. First of all, testosterone deficiency is reflected in potency. This hormone is essentially responsible for male reproductive function. But other endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, can also affect a man’s sexual power.

Psychogenic erectile dysfunction in its pure form is less common than organic. Sexual impotence is often observed with prolonged depression, neurosis, psychological trauma. More often, a combination of psychogenic and physiological problems leads to impotence.

Again, I will take the example of a man with prostatitis and accelerated ejaculation. Imagine she can’t control her ejaculation and her partner remains unhappy, for which she blames her partner. After a while, the situation recurred. In addition, the man does not get much pleasure from sex, which often happens with prostatitis. What thoughts come to mind? "Something's wrong with me, I can't have normal sex! ". Psychological problems in the face. We added progressive prostatitis to it and got impotence.

Which doctor should I contact for potential problems?

Many people think that the primary doctor of men’s health is a urologist. This is not entirely true. A urologist is a specialist who treats the organs of the genitourinary system. What diseases are treated by urologists? This is a disease:

  • prostate (adenoma, prostatitis, etc. );
  • bladder (neoplasm, inflammation);
  • kidney (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis);
  • urethra.

With what symptoms and when to go to a urologist?

  1. discharge from the urethra;
  2. difficulty urinating;
  3. pain in perineum, scrotum, around anus, in lower back;
  4. impurities in urine or semen.

You need to see a doctor at the first symptom. Medications alone are the worst thing that can happen in this condition.

Issues related to men’s sexual health are addressed by other experts. The chief physician for male potency is an andrologist. He is the one who has the necessary knowledge to determine the true cause of male impotence, prescribe adequate treatment and, if necessary, involve other specialists in treatment - urologists, psychotherapists, endocrinologists.

Because fertility and urology are closely linked, andrologists are usually proficient in the treatment of urological diseases and combine work in both specialties.

Useful Tips for Men's Health

I emphasize again - age is not the cause of impotence. Physiological and psychological disorders lead to sexual impotence, which accumulates more and more every year. This means you can enjoy your sexual life to the fullest even in old age.

How to maintain intimate health, I'm sure every man knows.

  1. A healthy balanced diet;
  2. Regular physical activity;
  3. moderate alcohol consumption;
  4. Absence of bad habits;
  5. A caring attitude towards your health.

The ability to have sex and reproduce directly depends on this simple natural thing. But most men consider it superficial, ignore it and get the consequences.
I still recommend that you reconsider your attitude towards lifestyle and build on it taking into account the following tips:

  • Stop smoking. The toxic substances you inhale with cigarette smoke are lead, formaldehyde, arsenic, etc. - destroys blood vessels. That is, they are filled with blood, making the penis hard.
  • Limit alcohol. He also hit the ship. In addition, it disrupts liver function, which "in return" converts male sex hormones into female ones. You may have seen the appearance of men with low testosterone and high estrogen: breasts that women can envy, piles of fat at the waist, hips, hair loss in areas that are not typical for a woman’s body. With libido and erections, there are great difficulties.
  • Sign in to play sports. Moderate physical activity does not allow fluid to stagnate in the vessel, "trains" the vessel, and maintains its elasticity.
  • Take the test and undergo a preventive examination by a urologist-andrologist at least once a year.

Urologist tips for every day

Take care of your health before you fail. This also applies to the prevention of impotence. Here are the basic things you can do every day to stay a perfect man until old age:

  • Do not cross your legs, especially while sitting. In this position, the veins in the groin are pinched, blood circulation in the reproductive organs is disrupted. This habit can cause inflammation of the blood vessels and the formation of blood clots.
  • Eat meat. Without animal protein, the body cannot fully synthesize testosterone.
  • Limit sweet and starchy foods. They increase the amount of fat in tissues, from which the female sex hormone estrogen is synthesized.
  • Love cycling - use a wide saddle only. Narrow saddles when sitting for a long time are not safe for men's health. They squeeze the vessels in the groin area and the nerve endings responsible for the sensitivity of the genitals.
  • Have sex regularly. It's fun and very important for potential.

At the end of the topic I will add: impotence is not a sentence, even in old age. In most cases, a man can return to a full sexual life even after an injury, a complex illness. Don't live alone with problems - see a doctor.

The main reason for decreased potency in men

Over the years, most men feel less and less attracted to women. This is usually associated with age -related changes. But in fact, there are certain reasons, by eliminating that, you can increase potency and revive sexual pleasure even at the age of 60 years.

Potential decreases because:

  • psychological problems (depression, stress, neurosis, psychotrauma);
  • hard work and fatigue from it;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, eating in fast food, etc. );
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • vascular and heart disease;
  • overweight;
  • improperly selected drugs with obvious side effects;
  • testosterone deficiency;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • a combination of some of the above issues.

There is also a cause caused by internal problems - the syndrome of expecting failure in bed. If a man is at least once confronted with a weak erection during sexual intimacy, he begins to fear a new relationship with a woman, afraid of "losing his face". We, as andrologists, also effectively solve this problem, although smart and beautiful women nearby will certainly solve it no worse.

How old can a man be sexually active?

Even young men often think of it. How long can they, as men, be active and successful with women? When should they retire sexually?

Scientists have calculated that male testosterone levels begin to slowly decline after 25 years. Before age 45, early andropause occurs. At this age, often men turn to urologists with complaints of weak potential. Before the age of 60 menopause begins, and after 60 - late andropause.

That is, according to physiological properties, it is normal for any man to stop experiencing a violent hormonal boom when looking at a woman after 45, and even more so after 60 years. But even age should not be a barrier if one leads an active lifestyle, plays sports, does not use drunkenness, and eats healthy foods.

If you feel a decrease in sexual desire and think that it is too early to resign at your age, seek the advice of your doctor. Based on the blood test, the urologist will understand what the problem is and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What can and what cannot be eaten to increase potency in men?

A man’s reproductive system is very sensitive to his diet and diversity. A stable erection provides regular blood flow to the genitals. And for this you need to monitor the state of the cardiovascular system. Synthesis of sex hormones occurs with adequate intake of vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as zinc, selenium and potassium. They are the ones who contribute to the smooth functioning of the heart.

Useful to increase male potential:

  • Various spices and seasonings: ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, hot pepper, halba. They improve blood circulation, increase immunity, inspire, increase arousal.
  • Seeds, nuts: pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds. They are rich in protein, vitamins and fats.
  • All seafood: red fish, oysters. They contain easily digestible proteins and other useful substances.
  • Dairy products, especially homemade cheese (paneer, cottage cheese, but in moderation). Rich in protein.
  • Fruits: currants, strawberries, avocados, bananas, melons, grapes, figs, raisins. This is the prevention of chronic fatigue, which is one of the common causes of loss of libido. But don’t overdo it so that the sugar level doesn’t go off scale. Many sweets are also potentially harmful.
  • Greens: - celery, coriander, parsley, dill, tarragon, basil. Improves sperm quality and amount of sex hormones.

TOP-7 products that enhance male sexual function

  1. Raw oysters. Rich in selenium and zinc.
  2. bitter chocolate. Improves mood and increases testosterone levels.
  3. Fenugreek. Lowers blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of diabetes.
  4. Ginger root. Causes blood flow to the penis.
  5. Pumpkin seeds. Contains large amounts of zinc, considered the most useful product for the male reproductive system.
  6. walnuts. Vegetable protein source, increases testosterone.
  7. Red wine in small doses. Strengthens blood vessels.

Vitamins are useful for male potency

In addition to vitamins that improve the function of the cardiovascular system, it is important to know about other supplements that will be useful in reducing potency.

  • vitamins A, C, E, D, B3, B6;
  • folic acid;
  • omega fatty acids;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

The source of these nutrients is a balanced, healthy diet and a complex vitamin preparation. Synthetic vitamins will help relieve inflammation of the prostate gland and regulate hormonal balance.

What foods should a man exclude from the diet, as they reduce sexual potential?

There is a list of products that are best avoided by those who care about their intimate health. this:

  • White bread and white flour products. Increases estrogen levels, increases weight and automatically lowers testosterone levels.
  • Alcohol. Decreases the sensitivity of the genitals and testosterone levels in the blood.
  • Canned foods, semi -finished products from the store, frozen dough products. They contain preservatives that worsen the function of the cardiovascular system, as well as saturated fats.
  • Processed meats (sausages, sausages, ham). High levels of cholesterol and saturated fats worsen the condition of the blood vessels.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. They can cause erectile dysfunction by raising blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels.
  • Caffeine in high doses.

A healthy lifestyle wins, no matter what people say.

If a man has balanced his life, set a healthy diet, fills the body with vitamins, has active physical activity, he rarely has problems with potency.